Since Richard and I have been back here in France we have had the most amazing weather and also very bizarre which seems to be the same for everyone. We have sat outside and had our lunch in the garden, in January!!! and today it hasn't got much above freezing but with the sun and blue sky the trees look absolutely amazing. I only wish I could do them justice when I take a photo. These are a couple I took.
Bare branches against the most amazing blue sky |
I loved the way the trees were mirror images in the lake |
We have been trying to go for a walk every day, mainly to help my cholesterol problem, but to be honest, with the weather the way it is, it has been lovely. It doesn't always happen of course because we get tied up with doing things in the house and garden but we are really trying very hard.
This is the time of year as well when the tulips come out for an airing again and I have made some for Helen, who looked after us so well at Christmas. You can tell by the photos in my earlier post that she has a beautiful home and one of her bedrooms is "the black and white room", quite stunning and she said that she would really like to make some black and white tulips for it, well I made some for her and I was very pleased with the outcome. I only wish I had taken a photo of them, but I will when I next visit because they will also be in situ. She was thrilled to bits, almost brought a tear to her eye, and it was so good to be able to give her something I had made, a lovely feeling.
Hopefully there will soon be real ones in the garden |
For Christmas Vicki gave me the most amazing book called
The Knitter's Year and it has so many gifts to knit within its pages that I don't know where to start. I have taken it along to our little sewing group and so far 2 of our group have ordered it and I know a couple more want it. The projects in there are all pretty easy and quick and as a group we have decided that when we meet on Tuesdays we are trying to make gifts and make cards so that when Christmas comes and birthdays as well, we will have a little stash. With us all doing this it gives us motivation and it's fun seeing what all our friends are making. Long may it last ..............