Saturday, 8 August 2009

The second picture is of the children "helping" Grandpa to clean out the pond. What a dirty smelly mess we all were and what fun we had, so many beasties to find and Mabel the Springer Spaniel they brought with them was in seventh heaven with the smell and mess. A good shower with the hose pipe was lots of fun though.

The time is going so quickly and the children seem to be having a lovely time. We are very lucky to be able to use a friend's swimming pool so we have been going there most days and everyone loves it. We take a picnic lunch and spend most of the day there and Jan (our friend) baked us all cakes yesterday so we are being really spoilt. As Vicki says, what is it about being by the side of a pool in gorgeous weather having tea and cake brought out to you? Just wonderful.

The girls weren't sleeping at all which as you can imagine was very difficult for Vicki, she was so tired, but the last 2 days they have slept right through, so fingers crossed it will happen again for a few night. A bit of bribery is going on, but as long as we sleep, who cares??

We have had our old car out as you can see from the picture and the children think it's great going out in her, they just love it and of course Grampie loves taking them out in her.
I need to go now because the swimming pool is calling and the children are in their costumes ready to go, so I will try and post again another time.


apple tree quilter said...

All I can say is, you all look like you're having a great time. Mud, Grandpa and kids, what a wonderful combination, even if it is stinky!!! Enjoy, it's only for a few more days.

aims said...

Just catching up myself Hazel as I'm not home much myself.

Sounds like you are having a classic 'old time' kind of summer - one of those I remember in my youth - but without the pool for me. We had a lake.

We've not had a good summer here at all. Mostly cool - maybe 2 days of hot weather - and that's it. We had a plowing tornado go through my brother's last weekend and it was quite an event. Did a lot of damage besides scare us quite badly.

I'm starting to look forward to the summer ending which means rafting ends and I can relax and do what I want once more.

I'm still posting pics over at Big Blue Barn Knits - have a peak if you get the chance!

Now - go cut some more watermelon and have a slice for me. I love the stuff!

Vicky T said...

Hooray for bribery!!! Glad Vics is getting some sleep thanks for a lovely relaxed day we really enjoyed our visit x.