As for the socks, while I was in Penzance with Clare and Kenny over Christmas, I think I said in my last post that there is this wonderful wool shop. Well the assistant in there said she had found a pattern for knitting socks on 2 needles and it was easy.............. Not for me it isn't but I have now completed one and I am rather pleased with it. Now half way through the next one so hang on for a while Clare they should be with you in a couple of weeks. I suppose I was a bit naive because I didn't realise there would be so may seams and I hope they aren't uncomfortable when you put your shoes on. I have sewn them as flat as I can. Has anyone else knitted socks on 2 needles? I have to say, knitting them on 4 needles, although more difficult for me, they are a much better looking sock.
Well I think that will do for today, seeing as I said there would be no chatter. Will let you know how I get on. Take care everyone. Love to all my family and friends who take the time to read this.

Wow, your chair is wonderful. I often wondered how the pattern was made. I have always admired people who could knit socks. I was only ever able to do a sweater and now that it's been twenty years since I did that, it would be starting over.
The chair is great and I love the Sock
I think the chair looks fabulous as well as the sock.
I knit my socks flat - so yes - 2 needles. Then I graft the toe together as I leave the stitches open so I can do that. That way there aren't any stitched seams to walk on. Then one side seam.
People love them and they knit up really quickly. Well for me anyway.
Yay - looking forward to a little parcel soon!!
Hi Sharlene, I am very pleased with the chair, I just wish I could speak the language so I could have asked a lot more questions!! The socks aren't easy I have to say but I enjoyed doing them and Clare is looking forward to receiving them. Let's hope they fit!!
Hi aims. I did manage to graft the toes so I was really pleased with myself, it's a very neat way of doing it. Just wasn't sure about the seam from the heal to the top of the sock at the back and then 2 seams on the top. Inside out, it looks like a moccosin. Is that like yours?
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