Not a lot to talk about today. The weather has been rather nice, very sunny during the day but frosty early morning and night. We have been trying to do our walking every day, it's not always possible but as you can see from the photo, there are 2 old age pensioners out for a stroll enjoying the sunshine.

I think I told you I have posted off the pair of socks I knitted for Clare and I can't wait for her to get them to see what she thinks. They are very addictive and I have finished another sock and half way through the next one. They certainly knit up very quickly and I can even graft the toe now, thanks to my good friend Helen who is a genius at any craft. Whatever she tries, it always turns out perfect and she makes some stunning things, I suppose I shouldn't like her really but she is so generous with her knowledge and time that she has become one of my best friends over here :-) I have just spoken to my eldest daughter and she is desperate for a pair of socks to wear with her wellies when out walking the dog so I think I better get back to the clickety-click of needles, little Sophie permitting of course.
Well I am certainly achieving some of my new year resolutions, the walking, more time for my craft and trying to be better at keeping in touch with all the people who matter to me.
Time for a cup of tea I think so I will say cheerio for now and hopefully there will be more photos to show you another time. Take care one and all. God bless.
You had loads to talk about really, isn't that always the way with blogging....looking forward to my socks :-)
No post today...fingers crossed for tomorrow.
PS and yes you always start your posts with not alot to say and then type alot...
Glad you've got a friend there who can help with your questions. Good finishing makes quite the difference when knitting.
All I can say is I wish I was your daughter! Envious that you are able to knit for the girls.
Girls, you know what I'm like when I get going. A bit like the socks.
aims: Helen is a good friend, I'm no good at reading the instructions for the grafting but she is very patient and shows me more than once. I bet you would be the same. Shame you are not closer.
Sharlene: The girls may get fed up with socks by the time I've finished, I've knitted another one tonight :-)
Oh Goodie!!!!! A friend stopped by yesterday and I showed her your chair project. She wishes y ou were here so you could teach her as she has several old chairs w/o seats.
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