Monday, 15 September 2008

Nearly There

We have had a few really hectic days preparing, staining and waxing floors in the room, and finally picking up my sewing cupboard. It was like a jigsaw puzzle for Richard to put together, there is rather a lot of it, but we managed it in the end. Then was the problem of finding all the boxes that have been in store of all my craft "stuff". I call it "stuff" because I had forgotten just how much I had got. Where on earth was I going to put it all........still, first things first, to make a start. The pictures below are 1) of the cupboard closed with bookcases exposed. 2) doors open to reveal lots of drawers etc. but with the table still packed in and 3) with the table down ready to go. There are still a few more bits and pieces to it, another little table behind me, for ironing etc, and where the sewing machine is, there is a light box that fits into the hole there so it is flat with the table top.

The very sad thing is, I have forgotten how to use my sewing machine. I bought it just after I had left work, ready for my retirement and it has a few bells and whistles, but, not a clue what to do with it. I think it is going to take rather a lot of time to get used to it again.

Richard and I are going for our first official french lesson in the morning and we are rather anxious about it. We have got to do something, because although we muddle through, I would love to be able to "chat" with our neighbours. Wish us luck.


Clare said...

Yay you are almost there - now you can start to post CRAFT stuff on here yourself instead of being jealous of everyone else : )
Start to enjoy your retirement instead of working so hard
Love You both

Vixbil said...

Wow forgot how cool that cupboard is, I agree with Clarabelle on the retirement thing too
Love you both

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful work station! I haven't seen anything like this before. Find something you really really want to make, then have a bash at it learning as you go.

It's great that you are learning French. I think learning a language in the actual country is so much faster and easier than text book learning. Both my children are English-Welsh bilingual but sadly I'm not.

apple tree quilter said...

Hurray, you're finally up and running. Can't wait to see your first project. I need a great cabinet like that. Maybe then I could get organized. I'm always in such a mess. The quilt retreat was great. Did you get to see the pictures I posted on Walmart? If not, I'll send them direct. Sharlene

dND said...

Wow what a lot of work you've done and that cupboard is wonderful - I'm so jealous.

I also agree with Clarabelle and Vixbil, do take time out to do something for yourself, you've worked really hard.

Deborah x