Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Hot Air and Sore Lips

We went for Sunday lunch with some friends and they are very musical, in fact P.. has a really good assortment of instruments. Guitars, flute, recorders, drums, keyboard, piano and various percussion instruments. Well.......... we had just finished our lunch, I have to say it took 5 hours, and we started talking about music, something I have always been interested in. They got me playing the recorder which I used to play at school, and I said I had always wanted to play the saxaphone. Wow, he, nipped out of the room and came back with.........yeah! a saxaphone. Was I in for a shock!!! I was rather naive because I thought it was a wind instrument, not a reed. It was hilarious, just trying to get a note out of the damn thing is something else, a lot of the time it just sounded as though I "passing wind" and other times was a dreadful screech!

I was not going to be beaten though and P.. was very supportive and encouraging so I kept trying and eventually I managed to find a note. In the end I found quite a few and even managed a scale, but I certainly need to know the technique of how to hold my mouth and where to put the pressure. I was trying to feel the vibration on my lower lip but I had to give up after a little while because my top lip was really sore and my cheeks had got cramp. I will try again another day though and I am very lucky P.. will let me play it. I will keep going until I can play the beginning of Baker Street.
The weather here has been really horrid for the last couple of days but Richard has been working on preparing the floor, ready for laying a new one on Wednesday when our friend is coming round to help him. Gosh, it will be so good to have a floor we can walk on, that means we will be able to work on that room much easier and get some windows in, well, and walls actually!
For my girls who hopefully will read this post, we will get it ready for you as soon as we can, but it could be a bit drafty in the summer if we can't fill in all the holes!!


aims said...

Is that a pic of you blowing away?? How cute is that!

I would love to get a sax for The Man - although he doesn't play one he did play a reed instrument in school. Just a dream I know - but the sound they make is so - haunting....

Living the Dream said...

Thanks for that aims, but who is The Man........
I would love to buy one for myself, but funds won't allow I'm afraid. I'm very lucky I have this one to have a go on.
Still haven't sewn up the cardigan!

Vixbil said...

I don't care if its draughty!
Love ya

aims said...

You are just going to have to wait and see.....

Rob Windstrel Watson said...

It looks like a soprano sax (I play one too). They are perhaps the most difficult to play because of the muscles needed in the lips.

Good luck with the practice ... It will be worth all the effort when your music soars through the air :-)